About Us

Our work strives to enhance our sense of surroundings, identity and relationship to others and the physical spaces we inhabit, whether feral or human-made.

Selected Awards
  • 2004 — Aga Khan Award for Architecture
  • 2009 — Mies van der Rohe Award
  • 2013 — AIA/ALA Library Building Award
  • 2015 — Best Interior, Designers Saturday
  • 2016 — AIA New York Honor Award

Residential Addition and Renovation, 1000 AZUSA ST, Sacramento, CA , USA


The project includes a rear addition with living spaces and an additional patio. For the existing structure, the work involves repairing and replacing damaged wood for the raised floor, installing and painting gypsum board on interior walls, repairing siding on exterior walls and replacing any damaged sections, adding plywood for shear strength, installing insulation per Title 24 requirements, and finishing the interior face with gypsum board and paint. The ceiling will have gypsum board installed and painted, with added insulation per Title 24. The roof will be repaired with asphalt shingles, and the roof from axis 6 to 8 will be removed and extended to cover the old roof up to axis 8. The project also includes the addition of one bedroom and one bathroom.